Bubble Tent Camping – If You Want to Be an Exhibitionist … But Not

A long while ago I wrote an article on kinky or (highly passionate) hotel destinations. And while most were in places you would expect (like Amsterdam), there was one interesting one I finally got to try for myself. It was a bubble tent campground in the north of Spain. Here were my experiences and thoughts so you can decide if it’s the kind of place you want to go to experience a wonderful new kind of romance and passion.

NOTE: Special thanks to Katy, Silvia, Marco, and Octavio for the excellent service!

The Bubble Domes – AKA Glamping

Yes, this last vacation was spent sleeping under the stars. And while my personal excursion was something more for self-care, I was still thinking about that old article. Could this be an erotic adventure for a daring couple? First, I’ll go over my own experiences. Then, I’ll toss in my two cents about any sexy ideas.

Nomading Camp – Andorra

Nomading camp Andorra, Bubble Tent
Credit: nomadingcamp.com

I didn’t want a hotel for my first solo vacation – indeed my first vacation at all in years. I wanted something more personal, secluded, and with personality. But the campers and cabins were either run down or hard to come by. Thankfully a friend sent a list of unique vacation ideas.

That’s when I saw there were bubble tent options in Spain. Yay!

There were also some details about the Nomading Camp (Andorra) that caught my eye:

  • It was pet friendly (for an extra cleaning fee, which was very reasonable)
  • The camping area was large with lots of room to walk my dog
  • You could order breakfast that would be delivered in a picnic basket to your bubble each morning (coffee, hot milk, hot chocolate mix, croissants, toast, deli meat sandwiches on French bread, jams, etc.)
  • You could also order dinners with the same delivery. They had soup, salad, hummus dip with carrots, beef or salmon, a cheesecake dessert, and a bottle of wine.

I booked my 8 days as fast as I could (with breakfast). I also confirmed a few details like each bubble having its own private bath, the tap water being drinkable, and being able to have a white one instead of black (it was summer and insanely hot after all). The customer service agent on the other end answered back in a timely manner.


Bubble Tent Review
Credit: nomadingcamp.com

My first day was a train ride, a trip to the grocery store, and a ride to the campsite (which is a stone’s throw away from the Andorra border).

The site had a wonderful rustic feel to it, with each private bubble closed off with a reed-like walling and mesh insides that cut off any peeping from the outside world – yes nude sunbathing could be a thing in your space. In reception, the staff was wonderfully welcoming. They confirmed all my details and explained the bubble rules to me (like never having both doors open at the same time or the thing will deflate). I also booked two-nights dinner to try.

And I also got the extra bonus of booking time in the spa bubble – which was a separate space that guests could use for a couple of hours. Inside had a huge bathtub and other things I’ll talk about later.

Ocatavious took me to my space – #18. And I was giddy the moment I saw it. The private yard was big enough for my medium dog to walk around freely as he pleased (far better than my tiny downtown apartment). There was an outdoor table and chairs and a couple of trees to cast much-need shade against the Spanish summer – although all tents come with a cover you can pull over to stop any sun you don’t want.

Inside was just as the pictures showed.

Bubble Tent experience
Credit: Writer

It was clean, and well put together with tiny details of plants, etc. to add a splash of color. The mattress and pillows were clean as were the sheets (I always check things like this when I stay somewhere). There was also plenty of storage room (even just putting my suitcases under the bed). Another essential addition was a cover you could pull over the top of the bubble during the day so the inside didn’t turn into an oven.

But, no matter the temperature, you had total control over the AC/Heater and I was always comfortable.

The bathtub was amazing – a beautiful shape and plenty of clean hot/cold water to soak in (I brought so many bath bombs). I could also get as many clean towels as I wanted.


The location and the tent were already amazing. I had the best time eating, napping, and reading (as well as playing with my dog). I did some journaling too. But here are some snippets of just a few of the excellent service moments I experienced.

  • The first night had a massive hailstorm (the first one like it in over 60 years I think). Many bubbles were badly damaged and people had to go home. Mine only had a tiny hole (the vacation gods were looking out for me). The handyman was out there in less than 30 minutes to fix it. He told me all about what happened to the site during the storm.

  • I went to the bar to ask for a wine glass and a glass mug for my tea (I brought my own tea because I’m picky). They immediately asked if I wanted more towels or a cleaning service. I didn’t need it but I appreciated the offer.
picnic basket at Nomading Camp
Credit: Writer
  • The few times I went to the bar and got some wine (so yummy) I was offered either bottles or by the glass. I always giggled. I don’t know why. It was just a nice option to be given. One particular night I was waiting for my spa bubble to be ready and they just kept filling my glass. The bar women were drink-ninjas. I loved it. But when I checkout, I was told I wasn’t charged for a single glass.

  • Upon checking out, they ask for a picture you took of your vacation there. They will print it and put it in a nice frame as a keepsake.

  • Also during checkout, the main service contact asked if there were any suggestions I had to make the bubble experience better for future customers. Finally, I also learned I wasn’t charged for a single glass of wine. I don’t know if that’s because I was staying 8 days (and most people just say 1-3), but I whole-heartedly loved the gesture.

  • When I did ask for room cleaning, they arrived quickly and cleaned well.


Bubble Tent spa room
Credit: Writer

Okay, this one was nothing like I had ever experienced before – and something I could see couples loving as a uber romantic experience.

The bubble was like all the others, but this one was JUST for the bath. The first section (the entrance) had a clothing stand where you could put your stuff. The area also had the same fence cover and door lock so you had total privacy.

Inside was a bathtub big enough for 2 people. The hot water was running but the AC was countering the steam nicely. There were also local oranges bouncing around in the water (which I was told was similar to a famous spa in Andorra that uses lemons).

Plus, there was a full mirror, shelving with plants, an aromatherapy spray machine, baskets of towels, etc. There was also a stool with various oils nearby.

But the best surprise? A full bottle of champagne on ice.

And because no one else had booked it for the night (and it was already evening) I could stay as long as I wanted. So I soaked until I went pruney and the champagne made my head happily spin. And you can bet when the bath was over that I took that bucket back to my own bubble. I don’t waste a good drink!


Nomading Camp, free champagne in the spa bubble

Well, I would say there is the illusion of exhibitionism if you want. But since the place is NOT kinky, you can’t go in and do naughty things – that breaks the consent part of the SSC rules we should live by.

What I would say is that this place is great for a PASSIONATE and romantic getaway – with a dash of spice that comes from your walls being see-through. There are beautiful starry skies to look at while you hold your love close. You can have evening meals on the lawn while looking through your telescope at the moon (each tent has its own).

You can find a list of kinky hotels here.

The place might not have on-demand food service (you’ll have to buy and bring your own lunches) but you can get things that are sensual to share. Also, if you’re celebrating an anniversary or birthday, tell them (they will set up a surprise for you when you arrive).

Plus a couple’s session in the spa – give an oil massage, drink bubbly, and other stuff *wink wink.


Some people might find the price of these places a tad expensive. But so is a nice hotel – and most hotels don’t have that much personality, in my opinion. Plus, going camping costs you equipment, lot rental, getting there, food, etc.

I used to slam glamorous camping AKA “glamping”, but after experiencing the bubble tent at Nomading Camping, I’m a total convert. I would go back in a heartbeat (even if I didn’t go with a partner because it was a fantastic week of self-care … and drinking, hee hee). And for those of you who are looking for a unique vacation experience, I recommend this place (or one of its sister locations around Spain – or any version around the world) with enthusiasm.

Have you ever stayed in a bubble tent? Share your experiences in the comments!