Millipede Penis – They Are Sporting More Than One


It’s many o’ man’s dream to have a large ding dong, but what about multiple appendages?

Deep in a pitch-black cave in Sequoia Park, California, scientists were sifting through swarms of flies and spiders. To their surprise, they stumbled across a new and rare male specimen with…

  • 414 legs
  • 200 poison glands
  • silk-secreting hairs

… and four penises. Yep… Four!

Now called the Illacme tobini, it’s a closely related cousin to the Illacme plenipes millipede – which has 750 legs and was also just recently discovered.

“I never would have expected that a second species of the leggiest animal on the planet would be discovered in a cave 240 kilometers (150 miles away),” Paul Marek, assistant professor in the Entomology Department at Virginia Tech, said

As if that wasn’t unique enough, Mother Nature decided to make the sexual shaft from existing legs –imagine walking around with sex legs but 4 are penises.

 One press release said that the discovery has reinforced the idea that “by exploring our world and documenting the biodiversity of this planet we can prevent anonymous extinction, a process in which a species goes extinct before we know of its role in the ecosystem, the potential benefit to humanity, or its beauty.”

The bad news?

They haven’t found any female counterparts yet.

I’m wondering if they have four vaginas.

Know any amusing sex + animal facts? Share in the comments!

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